Compilation Series&More (Covers/Originals)
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Saturday, October 23, 2021
百代/EMI/Universal - 魏綺淸/魏綺清/Bertha Ngai - 尋夢園 (1988/2014) CDFH 10060/8897076/0 602488 970761
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 尋夢園 [粵] (4:05) [鄧麗君 - 尋夢園 (國)/劉文正 - 尋夢園 (國)/青山 - 尋夢園 (國)/顧媚 - 尋夢園 (國)/姚蘇蓉 - 尋夢園 (國)] {吉永小百合 - こんなに愛しているのに}
{曲: 荒木一郎/詞: 潘偉源/編: 鮑比達} OP: Copyright Controlled
02. 城市足印 (3:40)
{曲: 盧冠廷/詞: 樓思奇/編: 唐奕聰} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
03. 夢想辦公室 (4:06)
{曲: 區新明/詞: 林夕/編: 區新明} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
04. 講一聲 Hi (3:45) [立見里歌 - そんなつもりじゃなかったのに]
{曲: Kei Wakakusa (若草恵) & 秋元康/詞: 陳嘉國/編: 杜自持} OP: Fuji Pacific Ms Inc
05. 幻想 [粵] (4:03) * [張艾嘉 & 劉文正 - 歌 (國)/薰妮 - 歌 (粵)]
{曲: 羅大佑/詞: 潘偉源/編: 鮑比達} OP: 歌林股份有限公司
06. 初戀故事 (3:00) [小林千絵 - 風の子守歌]
{曲: 伊藤薫/詞: 陳浩賢/編: 杜自持} OP: Nippon Auimo Music Pub/SP: EMI Ms Pub
07. Magic [粵] (4:43) [鄭怡 - 心情 (國)]
{曲: 盧昌明/詞: 胡啟榮/編: 鮑比達} OP: 滾石有聲出版有限公司
08. 反方向 (4:01) [Regina Richards - Baby Love]
{曲: S. Bray-R. Richards-M. Kessler/詞: 向雪懷/編: Billy Chan & Fabio Carli} OP: Black Lion Ms Inc/SP: Taiyo Ms Ltd
09. 雨天雨點 (4:50)
{曲: 孫偉明/詞: 陳海琪/編: 唐奕聰} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
10. 醉人夢裏/醉人夢裡 (3:56) [高井麻巳子 - かげろう]
{曲: Masshiro Hatta/詞: Henry Wong/編: Roel Garcia} OP: Fuji Pacific Ms Inc
11. 戀愛密探 (3:06)
{曲: 古倩敏/詞: 古倩敏/編: 黃良昇} OP: EMI Ms Pub
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
百代/EMI/Universal - 魏綺淸/魏綺清/Bertha Ngai - 初戀故事 (1987/2021) TH10015EP/0818206/0 602508 182068
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 初戀故事 (2:58) [小林千絵 - 風の子守歌]
{曲: 伊藤薫/詞: 陳浩賢/編: 杜自持} OP: Nippon Auimo Music Pub/SP: EMI Ms Pub
02. 點點心意點點情 [日本(電影/電視)改编歌串燒] (7:34)
A. (羅文) - 前程錦繡 (粵) [鄭少秋 - 我的旅程 (粵)] {中村雅俊 - 俺たちの旅}
B. (陳麗斯) - 願你 (粵) [石修 - 猛龍特警隊 (粵)/徐小鳳 - 猛龍特警隊 (國)/鄭中基 - 猛龍特警隊 (粵)] {しまざき由理 - 面影}
C. (錢錢/Monica Dong@六啤半) - 冷雨 (粵) [柏安妮 - 再見昨天 (粵)/莫文蔚 - 冷雨 (粵)/莫文蔚 - 雙城故事 (國) 1999] {バンバン (Bang Bang) - 冷たい雨 1975) ハイ・ファイ・セット (Hi-Fi Set) - 冷たい雨 1976/倉田まり子 - 冷たい雨 1982/森丘祥子 - 1990}
D. (黃愷欣) - 青春女探 (粵) {浅野真弓 - ときめき}
E. (徐小鳳) - 風雨同路 (粵) [黃耀明 - 風雨同路 (粵)/黃耀明 - 薔薇泡沫 (國)] {浅田美代子 - しあわせの一番星}
F. (陳麗斯) - 歡笑在心中 (粵) [鄭少秋 - 山鳩之歌 (粵)/關菊英 - 愛路 (粵)/馮偉棠 & 黄愷欣 - 盼望 (粵)/楊柳青 - 愛詠 1977] {山口百恵 - 山鳩}
G. (蔡麗貞) - 飄零燕 [Heidi] (粵) {伊集加代子 - おしえて}
{曲: 日本作曲人/詞: 日本作詞人/編: Chris Babida} OP: Copyright Controlled
03. 戀愛密探 (3:50)
{曲: 古倩敏/詞: 古倩敏/編: 黃良昇} OP: EMI Ms Pub
04. 天變地變心不變 (2:44)
{曲: 歷風/詞: 唐書琛/編: Chris Babida} OP: EMI Ms Pub
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
百代/EMI - 王雅文 - 陪伴我多一次 (1984/2014) EMGS-6125LP/8897078/0 602488 970785
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 夢蕾 (3:33)
{曲: 王雅文/詞: 向雪懷/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
02. 可否陪伴我多一次 (3:38) [The Drifters - Save The Last Dance For Me 2:34/Paul Anka - Save The Last Dance For Me 3:28/Cliff Richard - Save The Last Dance For Me 3:43/Patti LaBelle - Save The Last Dance For Me 5:05/Emmylou Harris - Save The Last Dance For Me 3:30/Mud - Save The Last Dance For Me 3:08/Dolly Parton With The Jordanaires - Save The Last Dance For Me 3:50]
{曲: Doc Pomus & Mort Shuman/詞: 林敏驄/編: 羅廸} OP: Manor Ms Corp Ltd/Carlin Ms Corp
03. 在雨中 [粵] (4:20) 王雅文 & 葉振棠 [尤雅 & 劉家昌 - 在雨中 (國)]
{曲: 劉家昌/詞: 鄭國江/編: Joey Villanueva} OP: Moonrise Ms Pub Ltd
04. Bye (3:20)
{曲: 王雅文/詞: 湯正川/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
05. 誰希罕你 (2:50)
{曲: 羅廸/詞: 盧國沾/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
06. 2001 年 (3:54)
{曲: 王雅文/詞: 卡龍/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
07. 狂風 (3:49) [嘟嘟 (Not 鄭裕玲) - 十八歲/鮑正芳 - 愛是什麼] {小泉今日子 - 私の 16 才}
{曲: たきのえいじ/詞: 林敏驄/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
08. 窗前夜雨 (3:36)
{曲: 蔡國權/詞: 蔡國權/編: 羅廸} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
09. 夢魂深處 (3:47)
{曲: 王雅文/詞: 黃霑/編: 徐日勤} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
10. 青春無悔 (3:35)
{曲: 王雅文/詞: 卡龍/編: 徐日勤} OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
11. 乘夢來的他 [粵] (3:36) [Girl Friends - 又再想起你 (粵)/Girl Friends - 只想飛 (國)] {Bread - Aubrey}
{曲: David Gates/詞: 林振強/編: Joey Villanueva} OP: Kipahulu Music
12. 太陽的誘惑 (3:27) [谷村新司 - 太陽の誘惑 (Nineteen Sixty) {1983 album Enblem}]
{曲: 谷村新司/詞: 向雪懷/編: 徐日勤} OP: Taiyo Ms Ltd
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
2百代/EMI/Universal - 鄧藹霖/Blanche Tang - 譜一首愛的歌 (1981/2007/2016) EMGS-6069LP/8889839/0 602488 898393
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 不要問理由 () 2007 EMI 復黑版 Bonus Track
{曲: 黎小田/詞: 盧國沾/編: }
02. 譜一首愛的歌 (3:10) 香港電台 廣播劇 譜一首愛的歌 主題曲
{曲: 顧嘉煇/詞: 黃霑/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
03. 晚風 [粵] (3:05) [徐北荷 - 晚風 (國)]
{曲: 馬宜中/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: Copyright Controlled
04. 我鍾意 (2:24) {LuLu - Boom Bang-A-Bang}
{曲: Peter Warne-Alan Moorhouse/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: Chappell
05. 世上滿真愛 (3:46)
{曲: 鍾肇峰/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
06. 那些光輝日子 (3:43) {Alexander Vertinsky - Дорогой длинною (Dorogoy Dlinnoyu)/The Limeliters - Those Were The Days/Bobby Vinton - Those Were The Days 1978/Engelbert Humperdinck - Those Were The Days 1978/Debby Brady - Those Were The Days 1980}
{曲: Boris Fomin & Konstantin Podrevsky (Eng. Lyrics: Eugene Raskin)/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
07. 為我珍重 (3:07)
{曲: 陳百強/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
08. 海邊 [粵] (3:07) [陳明韶 - 誰來海邊 (國) 曲/詞: 邱晨]
{曲: 邱晨/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: Copyright Controlled
09. 雲正飄飄 (2:32)
{曲: 鍾肇峰/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
10. 雨中情 [粵] (2:33) [林子祥 - 我願隨風去 (粵)] {The Seekers - I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song/Jim Croce - I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song}
{曲: Jim Croce/詞: 羅偉倫/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
11. 小艇上 (4:11) * {? - ?}
{曲: ?/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: Copyright Controlled
12. 幸福處處 (3:33)
{曲: Kenneth Chan/詞: 鄭國江/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
13. 有首我的詩 (3:31)
{曲: 梁樂聲/詞: 黃霑/編: } OP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
Additional Notes
鄧藹霖 - 青春苦惱多 {Celi Bee - Boomerang}
Polydor/Polygram/Universal - 李明珠/Pearl Lee - Pearl Lee On Holiday (1988/2010) 837125-2/2731779/0 602527 317793
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 拒絕為你 (4:18) {Michael Fortunati - Into The Night (Slip And Slide)}
{曲: M. De San Antonio-Pierre Nigro-Mario Nigro/詞: 陳嘉國/編: 杜自持} OP: Copyright Control
02. 門外過路人 (3:53) {Lunna - No Digas Nada}
{曲: Rudy Pérez/詞: 潘源良/編: 杜自持} OP: Copyright Control
03. 獨幕戲 (3:44) {Reimy (Horikawa/堀川麗美) - Speed Of Light (EN)}
{曲: Debbie Gibson/詞: 陳少琪/編: 盧東尼} OP: Creative Bloc Music
04. Come In December (3:30) {Melina Loren - Come In December}
{曲: M. Loren & H. Bank/詞: 向雪懷/編: 杜自持} OP: Popmen Investments Ltd
05. 一呼百應 [粵/‘88 奧運 主題曲] (4:17) 黄翊 & 李明珠 [譚詠麟 - 心手相連 (國)] {Koreana - Hand In Hand}
{曲: Giorgio Moroder/詞: 向雪懷/編: 盧東尼} OP: GMPC (WEA Ms Pub)
06. 突然 (5:26)
{曲: 杜自持/詞: 林夕/編: 杜自持} OP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
07. 夢裡傷痕 (3:27) {Lunna - Si Te Quedas O Te Vas}
{曲: Ángel Peña & Lunna/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Irving Ms (EMI Ms Pub Ltd)
08. 拾回的愛 (4:56)
{曲: 李明珠/詞: 向雪懷/編: 盧東尼} OP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
09. 窒息 (3:37)
{曲: 盧東尼/詞: 陳浩賢/編: 盧東尼} OP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
10. 何必當初 (3:31) {Claudine Longet - Long Long Time 3:25/Jody Miller - Long Long Time/Linda Ronstadt - Long Long Time}
{曲: Gary White/詞: 胡雪姬/編: 杜自持} OP: MCA Ms Ltd (EMI Ms Pub Ltd)
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
Monday, October 11, 2021
Dino Entertainment - The Very Best Of “That Loving Feeling” (1993) DINCD 78/5 018271 130024
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
Disc 1:
01. Wham Featuring George Michael - Careless Whisper (4:28) [梅艷芳 - 夢幻的擁抱/蔡國權 - 無心快語/甄妮 - 忍痛說謊]
02. Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - Anything For You (3:35) [林姍姍 - 讓我錯一次/雷安娜 - Anything For You]
03. Paul Young - Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home) (5:02) {Marvin Gaye - Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home)}
04. Annie Lennox (@Eurythmics) - Why? (4:52)
05. Take That - Pray (3:41)
06. Gabrielle - Dreams (3:35)
07. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing (3:54)
08. Sade - Your Love Is King (3:54)
09. Smokey Robinson - The Tracks Of My Tears (2:47) sound difficulties
10. The Righteous Brothers - You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling (3:38) [關正傑 - 裂痕]
11. Ace Of Base - All That She Wants [Radio Edit] (3:30) [湯寶如 - 哭泣瑪利]
12. Tina Turner - Private Dancer (3:57)
13. Elton John - Candle In The Wind (3:48)
14. Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart) (4:31)
15. Beverley Craven - Promise Me (3:33) [林憶蓮 - 沒有你還是愛你/辛曉琪 - 自私]
16. Chris De Burgh - Lady In Red (4:06) [甄妮 - 舊舞衣]
17. Joan Armatrading - Love And Affection (4:20)
18. Harold Melvyn - If You Don't Know Me By Now (3:20) {Simply Red - If You Don't Know Me By Now} [譚耀文 - 又是下夜雨深宵]
19. Nilsson - Without You (3:14) {Air Supply - Without You/Mariah Carey - Without You} [蔡楓華 - 別再癡]
20. Spandau Ballet - True (5:30) was sampled in PM Dawn - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss [劉文娟 - 遍霧遍雨的一夜]
Disc 2:
01. The Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun (3:02)
02. Paul McCartney & Wings - My Love (4:06)
03. 10CC - I'm Not In Love (6:01) {(André) Roë (Bandido) - Soledad (Viejecita)/Lucia - Soledad (Viejecita)/Will To Power - I'm Not In Love} [吳婉芳 - 不檢點 (粵)/彭家麗 - I'm Not In Love (粵)]
04. Billy Paul - Me & Mrs Jones (3:38)
05. Deniece Williams - Free (2:46)
06. Stevie Wonder - My Cherie Amour (2:47)
07. The Real Thing - You To Me Are Everything (3:19)
08. Billy Ocean - Suddenly (3:49) [陳百強 - 真摰的愛]
09. Barry White - Just The Way You Are (4:46)
10. Lisa Stansfield - Change (4:57)
11. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (4:26)
12. Al Green - Let's Stay Together (4:22) {Tina Turner - Let's Stay Together} [劉文娟 - 年輕不要留白]
13. Oleta Adams - Get Here (4:32)
14. Kenny Thomas - Thinking About Your Love (3:45)
15. Minnie Riperton - Lovin’ You (3:19) {Massivo Featuring Tracy - Loving You} [草蜢 - 離不開]
16. Gladys Knight And The Pips - Midnight Train To Georgia (4:17)
17. Dusty Springfield - I Only Want To Be With You (2:33) {Bay City Rollers - I Only Want To Be With You/Nicolette Larson - I Only Want To Be With You/Samantha Fox - I Only Wanna Be With You} [許冠傑 - Radio 好知己/溫兆倫 - 小小大男人/陳百強 - 流浪者]
18. The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (4:06)
19. Ace - How Long (3:18)
20. Sinéad O' Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U (4:57) 1990 {The Family - Nothing Compares 2 U 1985/MXM - Nothing Compares 2 U 1990/Prince & Rosie Gaines - Nothing Compares 2 U 1993} [施偉芝 (Sandy Carpio) - 九個半星期]
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
Polystar - Alf's Super Hit Parade-International Top Hits (1990) 840 848-2
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
Compact Disc 1:
01. Jimmy Somerville - You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) [Single Version] (3:56)
02. F.P.I. Project (Fratty/Presti/Intrallazzi-Project) Featuring Sharon Dee Clarke - Rich In Paradise (Going Back To My Roots) (3:40)
03. Black Box - I Don't Know Anybody Else [Melody Mix-Radio Edit] (4:31)
04. Technotronic Featuring Ya Kid K - Get Up (Before The Night Is Over) [Single Mix] (3:29)
05. Soul II Soul - Get A Life (3:40)
06. D-Mob Featuring Nuff Juice - Put Your Hands Together [7” Version] (3:55)
07. Karen Jones - To The Rock Groove [Black Groove Version-Radio Edit] (3:21)
08. Sydney Youngblood - Sit And Wait (3:57)
09. 49ers - Touch Me [Radio Version] (3:42)
10. Fine Young Cannibals - I'm Not The Man I Used To Be [7” Version] (4:19)
11. Adeva - Beautiful Love [Single Version] (3:18)
12. De La Soul - The Magic Number [Chad Jackson-1-2-3 Mix Edit] (3:16)
13. Neneh Cherry - Inna City Mamma [Completely Re-Recorded 7” Version] (4:17)
14. Lil' Louis & The World - I Called U (But You Weren't There) [Edit] (4:12)
Compact Disc 2:
01. Arthur Baker & The Backbeat Disciples - The Message Is Love [7” Mix] (4:39)
02. Sybil - Don't Make Me Over (4:00)
03. Jam Tronik Featuring Nikita Warren - Another Day In Paradise [Original Dance Version] (3:57) [Face To Face - 新人類] {Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise}
04. John Davis - Who Do You Love? [G-Spot-Remix-Radio Version] (4:15)
05. C.C. Catch - Midnight Hour [7” Version] (3:58)
06. Nikka Costa - Jimmy [Radio Version/Single Version] (3:54) [周影 - 背影]
07. Robert Earl Wilson - Hold On To My Love [Radio Edit] (3:48)
08. Tears For Fears & Oleta Adams - Woman In Chains [7” Version] (5:28)
09. Wet Wet Wet - Sweet Surrender (4:24)
10. The Mission - Butterfly On A Wheel (4:59)
11. Elton John - Sacrifice (5:09)
12. Chris De Burgh - Diamond In The Dark (3:31)
13. K. C. Merman - Here Comes Your Miracle [Single Version] (3:49)
14. Robin Beck - Don't Lose Any Sleep (4:05)
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
SR International - Hitbreaker 4/88-16 Formel Top Hits (1988) 18 446 5
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. Kylie Minogue - Got To Be Certain (3:09) [黃宝欣/黃寶欣 - 戀愛獵人]
02. Jermaine Stewart - Get Lucky (3:43)
03. Ofra Haza - Im Nin' Alu (4:01)
04. Mory Kanté - Yé Ké Yé Ké (Yéké Yéké) (4:01) [陳慧嫻 - 地球大追蹤]
05. Gianna Nannini - Hey Bionda (4:18)
06. Bad Boys Blue - Lovers In The Sand (3:41)
07. Erasure - Chains Of Love (3:39)
08. Voice Machine - Dance For Livin' (4:00)
09. Tatjana Šimić - Chica Cubana (3:27)
10. Leslie Mandoki & Eva Sun - Korea 0:00-0:25 intro/0:25-4:06 song (3:41/4:06) [黃敏華 - 挑戰/Zeta Wong (黃敏華) - Korea (English Single Version)]
11. Samantha Fox Featuring Full Force - Naughty Girls (Need Love Too) (3:23)
12. Rainbirds - Boy On The Beach (3:51)
13. Sandra - Heaven Can Wait (4:02)
14. Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know It's True (4:15)
15. B.V.S.M.P. - Be Gentle (3:45)
16. Ben Liebrand Featuring Alf - Stuck On Earth (3:46)
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
MCA Records - OST - The Secret Of My Success (1987) MCD06205/MCAD-6205/0 76732-6205-2 6
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. Night Ranger - The Secret Of My Success (4:27)
{David Foster/Jack Blades/Tom Keane/Michael Landau}
02. Pat Benatar - Sometimes The Good Guys Finish First (4:26) [寶貝如 - 請先掛號]
{Pat Benatar/Holly Knight/Khris McDaniels}
03. Danny Peck & Nancy Shanks - I Burn For You (4:40)
{David Foster/Holly Knight/Khris McDaniels}
04. Bananarama - Riskin' A Romance (3:53)
{Siobhan Fahey/Ollie Marland/Paul Waller}
05. David Foster - Gazebo [Instrumental] (4:20)
{David Foster}
06. Roger Daltrey - The Price Of Love (4:18)
{David Foster/Jack Blades}
07. David Foster - Water Fountain [Instrumental] (3:08)
{David Foster}
08. Restless Heart - Don't Ask The Reason Why (4:02) [太極 - 欠]
{David Foster/Tim DuBois}
09. David Foster - 3 Themes [Instrumental] (2:40)
{David Foster}
10. Taxxi - Heaven And The Heartaches (4:16)
{David Cumming/Colin Payne/Jeff Nead}
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
EMI Electrola/Imperial - Hit-Box Vol. 2 (1988) CDP 520-7 90496 2
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. Mandy Winter - Two Lovers (3:49) 1988
02. Oliver Simon - Kiss You All Over (4:40) 1988 [Exile - Kiss You All Over/Tiffany - Kiss You All Over/No Mercy - Kiss You All Over]
03. Linda Fields - Shame, Shame, Shame (3:31) 1987 [Shirley & Company - Shame, Shame, Shame/Sinitta - Shame, Shame, Shame/Izabella - Shame, Shame, Shame]
04. Hot Line - I Hear You Knocking (3:08) 1987
05. Grunwaldt & Bley - Shout It Loud!!! (3:31) 1987
06. Alice's Wonderland - Stop The Rain (4:05) 1986 [Ibo (=Ibrahim Bekirović) - Süßes Blut] {黃宝欣/黃寶欣 - I'm Your Friend, I'm Your Lover (粵)}
07. Peter Kent - For Your Love (4:19) 1980
08. Mixed Emotions - Sweetheart-Darlin'-My Dear (Lisa My Love) (4:33) 1987
09. Mario Argandona - Brown Eyes (4:01) 1987
10. The Three Ladies - Spanish Harlem (3:56) 1986 [Ben E. King - Spanish Harlem/Tom Jones - Spanish Harlem/Aretha Franklin - Spanish Harlem]
11. The Magic Platters - Only You (3:49) 1987 [The Platters - Only You (And You Alone)/Bobby Vinton - Only You (And You Alone)/Little Richard - Only You (And You Alone)/Paul Anka - Only You] {關正傑 - 只有你/羅家英 - Only You (齊天大聖之西遊記: 月光寶盒 & 仙履奇緣 OST)}
12. Lady Lily - Non E Vero (3:14) 1985
13. Peter Griffin - Just When I Needed You Most (3:59) 1979 [Randy VanWarmer - Just When I Needed You Most] {關正傑 - 月亮照高原}
14. Fritz Brause - Shilly Shally (Let's Dance Tonight) (3:55) 1985
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
Monday, October 4, 2021
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - Arrival (1992) CP-5-0073
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 哭著笑 [粵] (4:31)
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 潘源良/編: Gary Kum} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
02. 一世濃情 [粵] (4:43) 無線 電視劇 破繭邊緣 主題曲
{曲: 馮鏡煇/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
03. 笑吧 [粵] (3:37) 無線 電視劇 賭霸 主題曲
{曲: 馮鏡煇/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
04. 在妳轉身的一剎 [粵] (3:13) 無線 電視劇 賭霸 插曲 [張立基 - 我心深處 (粵)/張立基 - 不該輕易說分手 (國)//黃凱芹 - 緣盡此生 (粵)] {Billy Dean - Somewhere In My Broken Heart//Randy Travis - Somewhere In My Broken Heart}
{曲: Richard Leigh & Billy Dean/詞: 陳少琪/編: 王利名} OP: EMI April Ms Inc/EMI Black Wood Ms Inc (EMI NY)/SP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd
05. 電視人 [粵] (3:45)
{曲: 黃尚偉/詞: 陳少琪/編: 黃尚偉} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
06. 眼睛不說謊 [粵] (4:18) [Jermaine Jackson - You Said, You Said]
{曲: L.A. Reid-Babyface-D. Simmons-J. Jackson/詞: 陳少琪/編: Gary Kum}
07. 高溫雪花 [粵] (3:50)
{曲: 王利名/詞: 潘偉源/編: 王利名} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
08. 深深愛過 [粵] (4:37)
{曲: 盧東尼/詞: 向雪懷/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
09. 做個香港人 [粵] (4:14)
{曲: 林敏怡/詞: 鄭國江/編: 林敏怡} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
10. 改天相愛過 [粵] (3:12) [Deborah Blando - Boy (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue)]
{曲: Doborah Blando/詞: 周禮茂/編: Gary Kum} OP: Copyright Control
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - Forever Wong Yik {新曲*+精選} (1991) CP-5-0065
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 痴心不變 [粵] (4:21) *
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 黃翊/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
02. 再見寂寞 [粵] (3:42) *
{曲: 馮鏡輝/詞: 林夕/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
03. 最愛的妳 [粵] (3:48) @Changes 無線電視劇 阿Sir正傳 主題曲
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 黃翊/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
04. 逃夢 [粵] (4:21) @Dance & Romance
{曲: 唐奕聰/詞: 陳少琪/編: 唐奕聰} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
05. 黃昏戀人 [粵] (5:04) @冬季等到夏季 [黃翊 - My Lonely Love (國)/陳慧嫻 - 忘記悲傷 (粵)] {伊藤薫 - 君への道… (1985)/水越恵子 - Too Far Away (1986)/谷村新司 - Far Away 1988}
{曲: Kaoru Ito (伊藤薫)/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Sun Ms Pub Inc (Sony/ATV)
06. 火中火 [粵] (3:53) @Dance & Romance [Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall in Love (Album Version)/(Shep Pettibone Remix-Edit]
{曲: Jane Child/詞: 林振強/編: 林鑛培} OP: Warner/Chappell Ms Inc/SP: WEA Ms Pub Ltd
07. 心窗的曙光 [粵] (4:10) @Dance & Romance
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 小美/編: 鮑比達} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
08. Kiss [Kissin’ Mix/粵] (5:43) * @黃翊/Kiss [Art Of Noise Featuring Tom Jones - Kiss (inspired-by)/Prince - Kiss]
{曲: Prince/詞: 林振強/編: 林鑛培} OP: Controversy Ms/SP: WEA Ms Pub Ltd
09. 喜歡愛妳 [粵] (4:24) @Dance & Romance [Calloway - You Are My Everything]
{曲: Reggie Calloway & Vincent Calloway/詞: 林振強/編: 王利名} OP: Screen Gems-EMI Ms Inc/Warner Chappell Ms Ltd/SP: EMI Ms Pub Ltd/WEA Ms Pub Ltd
10. 報復 [粵] (3:48) @Changes [久保田利伸 - Shoot The Hoop!]
{曲: 久保田利伸 & 柿崎洋一郎/詞: 陳少琪/編: 黃良昇} OP: Kitty Group Inc/SP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
11. 可以嗎? [粵] (4:31) @黃翊/Kiss [エポ (Epo) - きゅんと]
{曲: Epo/詞: 林夕/編: 唐奕聰} OP: Fujipacific Ms Inc/SP: WEA Ms Pub Ltd
12. I'm In Love [粵] (4:21) @Dance & Romance [林憶蓮 - 夜生活 (粵)/林憶蓮 - 我的夜生活 (國)] {Karyn White - The Way You Love Me}
{曲: Babyface-D. Simmons-L.A. Reid/詞: 林振強/編: 鮑比達} OP: HipTrip Ms/Green Skirt Ms/Kear Ms/SP: WEA Ms Pub Ltd
13. 愛是從來無盡頭 [粵] (4:28) @黃翊/Kiss [黃翊 - 在該走的時候走 (國)] {Endang S. Taurina - Sisa Sisa Kenangan}
{曲: Joe(l) Salim/詞: 小美/編: Raymond Wang} OP: Good Sound SDN BHD/SP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - Changes (1991) CP-5-0057
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 最愛的妳 [粵] (3:50) 無線電視劇 阿Sir正傳 主題曲
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 黃翊/編: 盧東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub
02. 寧願這麼過一生 [粵] (4:16) [イルカ - 時の子守唄/島田歌穂 - 時の子守唄]
{曲: T. Araki & T. Miki/詞: 林夕/編: 林鑛培} OP: Fujipacific Ms Inc/Burning Pub/SP: Golden Pony Ms
03. 報復 [粵] (3:48) [久保田利伸 - Shoot The Hoop!]
{曲: 久保田利伸 & 柿崎洋一郎/詞: 陳少琪/編: 黃良昇} OP: Kitty Group Inc/SP: Polygram Ms Pub Ltd
04. 這是我最後一次等你 [粵] (3:59) [李為 - 最後一次等你 (國)]
{曲: 梁弘志 & 吳劍/詞: 潘偉源/編: 王利名} OP: Passion Ms Group/SP: Golden Pony Ms
05. 若妳記得我 [粵] (3:28) [周慧敏 - 等這一段情 (粵)/周慧敏 - 年月天夜 (國)] {エポ (Epo) -赤い川 (Red River)}
{曲: Epo/詞: 林夕/編: 鮑比達}
06. 妳的心事 [粵] (4:50) [Rainhard Fendrich - Von Zeit Zu Zeit]
{曲: Rainhard Fendrich/詞: 林夕/編: 鮑比達} OP: Gedur Musikverlags/Fechter Musikverlags/SP: Golden Pony Ms
07. 愛在夕陽後 [粵] (4:53)
{曲: 唐奕聰/詞: 周禮茂/編: 唐奕聰} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub
08. 忘記一些還有一些 [粵] (4:19)
{曲: 馮鏡輝/詞: 陳少琪/編: 慮東尼} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub
09. 忘記得差不多 [粵] (4:40) [Tube - August Moon/春畑道哉 - August Moon]
{曲: 春田道哉/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Copyright Control
10. 惡夢 [粵] (3:52)
{曲: 王利名/詞: 綠葉/編: 王利名} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/藍與白/B&W - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - 癡儍男孩 {復黑 Promo-Only Picture CD, no artworks} (1991) 10-9175
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 癡儍男孩 [國] (4:37) 潘美辰 & 黃翊 [潘美辰 - 癡傻男孩 (國/獨唱版)]
{曲: 潘美辰/詞: 潘美辰/編: }
02. 只是朋友 [國] (5:15) [黃翊 - 歲月長情 (粵) 5:15] {Anna Oxa - Pensami Per Te}
{曲: Cogliat-Ciani-Cassano/詞: 顧慧瑛/編: 鮑比達?} OP: EMI Songs SRL (Fujipacific)/Unalira Ed SAS (Universal MGB)
03. 抱不緊你的心 [國] (4:12)
{曲: 張勇強/詞: 張勇強/編: }
04. 在該走的時候走 [國] (4:29) [黃翊 - 愛是從來無盡頭 (粵) 4:35] {Endang S. Taurina - Sisa Sisa Kenangan}
{曲: Joe(l) Salim/詞: 林淑芳/編: Raymond Wang?} OP: Copyright Control
05. 愛情煩惱 [國] (4:43) [黃翊 - 愛情玩笑 (粵) 4:46]
{曲: 倫永亮/詞: 何厚華/編: Masahiro Ikumi?} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
06. My Lonely Love [國] (5:08) [黃翊 - 黃昏戀人 (粵) 5:06/陳慧嫻 - 忘記悲傷 (粵)] {伊藤薫 - 君への道… (1985)/水越恵子 - Too Far Away (1986)/谷村新司 - Far Away 1988}
{曲: 伊藤薫 (Kaoru Ito)/詞: 何厚華/編: 盧東尼?} OP: Sun Ms Pub Inc (Sony/ATV)
07. 謝謝你曾經陪我 [國] (4:35)
{曲: 張勇強/詞: 張勇強/編: }
08. 管他是幾點鐘 [國] (4:08) [黃翊 - 冬季等到夏季 (粵) 4:13] {因幡晃 - ミセス Moon-Light (Mrs. Moon-Light)}
{曲: 因幡晃/詞: 張勇強/編: Masaaki Kinoh?} OP: Nichion Inc (Warner/Chappell)
09. 是無緣還是錯 [國] (4:17) [黃翊 - 崩潰 (粵) 4:17]
{曲: 周啟生/詞: 李子恆/編: 周啟生?} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
10. 愛上你是好還是壞 [國] (4:56) 王靖雯 (王菲) & 黃翊 [王靖雯 (王菲) & 黃翊 - 遲到的愛 (粵) 4:59] {電影 再戰江湖 主題曲}
{曲: 林敏怡/詞: 李子恆/編: 林敏怡?} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - Dance & Romance (1990/2017) CP-5-0050/5793478/0 602557 934786
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 火中火 [粵] (3:55) [Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall in Love (Album Version)/(Shep Pettibone Remix-Edit]
{曲: Jane Child/詞: 林振強/編: 林鑛培} OP: Brett & Peter Pub (Warner/Chappell)/Radical Dichotomy (Warner/Chappell)
02. 豐盛人生 [粵] (4:31) [Calloway - I Wanna Be Rich]
{曲: Reggie Calloway-Vincent Calloway-Melvin Gentry/詞: 潘偉源/編: 林壙培} OP: Calloco Ms Inc (EMI)/Songs Of Lastrada (Fujipacific)
03. 不要怕發生 [粵] (4:12)
{曲: 王利名/詞: 周禮茂/編: 王利名} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
04. 逃夢 [粵] (4:23)
{曲: 唐奕聰/詞: 陳少琪/編: 唐奕聰} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
05. 專制情人 [粵] (4:03) [Echo - 高溫赤裸 (粵)] {After 7 - Heat Of The Moment}
{曲: Babyface & L.A. Reid/詞: 林夕/編: 王利名} OP: Kear Ms (Warner/Chappell)
06. I'm In Love [粵] (4:22) [林憶蓮 - 夜生活 (粵)/林憶蓮 - 我的夜生活 (國)] {Karyn White - The Way You Love Me}
{曲: Babyface-D. Simmons-L.A. Reid/詞: 林振強/編: 鮑比達} OP: Copyright Control
07. 歲月長情 [粵] (5:15) [Anna Oxa - Pensami Per Te]
{曲: Cogliat-Ciani-Cassano/詞: 陳少琪/編: 鮑比達} OP: EMI Songs SRL (Fujipacific)/Unalira Ed SAS (Universal MGB)
08. 錯愛也是愛 [粵] (4:20) [薛岳 - 失去聯絡 (國)]
{曲: 蘇來/詞: 林夕/編: 鮑比達} OP: Copyright Control
09. 喜歡愛妳 [粵] (4:28) [Calloway - You Are My Everything]
{曲: R. Calloway & V. Calloway/詞: 林振強/編: 王利名} OP: Calloco Ms Inc (EMI)/Epic Solar Songs Inc (Sony/ATV)
10. 一剎痴情 [粵] (5:29)
{曲: 孫偉明/詞: 潘偉源/編: 孫偉明} OP: Copyright Control
11. 心窗的曙光 [粵] (4:10)
{曲: 黃翊/詞: 小美/編: 鮑比達} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - 黃翊/Kiss (1990/2017) CP-5-0039/5793476/0 602557 934762
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. Kiss [粵] (3:30) [Art Of Noise Featuring Tom Jones - Kiss (inspired-by)/Prince - Kiss]
{曲: Prince/詞: 林振強/編: 林鑛培} OP: Controversy Ms (Universal)
02. 愛是從來無盡頭 [粵] (4:35) [黃翊 - 在該走的時候走 (國)] {Endang S. Taurina - Sisa Sisa Kenangan}
{曲: Joe(l) Salim/詞: 小美/編: Raymond Wang} OP: Copyright Control
03. 崩潰 [粵] (4:17) [黃翊 - 是無緣還是錯 (國)]
{曲: 周啟生/詞: 向雪懷/編: 周啟生} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
04. 就算 [粵] (3:07) Featuring Beyond
{曲: 黃家駒/詞: 黃貫中/編: Beyond} OP: Cinepoly Ms Pub Co Ltd
05. 遲到的愛 [粵] (4:59) 王靖雯 (王菲) & 黃翊 {電影 再戰江湖 主題曲} [王靖雯 (王菲) & 黃翊 - 愛上你是好還是壞 (國)]
{曲: 林敏怡/詞: 林敏聰/編: 林敏怡} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
06. 可以嗎? [粵] (4:32) [エポ (Epo) - きゅんと]
{曲: Epo/詞: 林夕/編: 唐奕聰} OP: Dear Heart Inc
07. 離別季節 [粵] (3:29) [織田哲郎 - 愛をさがして]
{曲: 織田哲郎/詞: 陳少琪/編: 浮世繒} OP: Fujipacific Ms Inc (Fujipacific)
08. 兒歌 [粵] (4:30)
{曲: 陳永良/詞: 林夕/編: 陳永良} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
09. 飄渺的遠方 [粵] (3:10) {無線電視 卡通片 龍珠 第二輯 主題曲}
{曲: 梁榮駿/詞: 綠葉/編: Gordon O' Yang} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
10. 誰來愛我們 [粵] (3:51) {1989 ABU 亞太區金箏 流行曲創作大賽 香港決賽 冠軍歌曲}
{曲: 李健達/詞: 陳少琪/編: Raymond Wang} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
Additional Notes
To be added soon.
新藝寶/CinePoly/Universal - 黃翊/Timothy, Wong Yik - 冬季等到夏季 (1989/2017) CP-5-0026/5793475/0 602557 934755
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Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.
01. 冬季等到夏季 [粵] (4:13) [黃翊 - 管他是幾點鐘 (國)] {因幡晃 - ミセス Moon-Light (Mrs. Moon-Light)}
{曲: 因幡晃/詞: 陳少琪/編: Masaaki Kinoh} OP: Nichion Inc (Warner/Chappell)
02. 信差日記 [粵] (4:24)
{曲: 周功成/詞: 陳少琪/編: 翁家齊 & 周功成} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
03. 太陽傘下 [粵] (3:47)
{曲: 張國榮/詞: 潘偉源/編: 林鑛培} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd/Taiyo Ms Ltd
04. 為了妳 [粵] (4:07) [The Jackson 5 - I'll Be There (3:35) US/Mona Lisa Young (3:50) 1983 US/Janice Marie Johnson - I’ll Be There (3:49) 1984 US/Flip - I’ll Be There 1985 IT&UK/FDR - I’ll Be There (4:49) 1986 US]
{曲: H. Davis & B. West/詞: 潘源良/編: } OP: Jobete Ms Co Inc (EMI)
05. 愛像冰封 [粵] (4:21) [Ric Ocasek@The Cars - Emotion In Motion]
{曲: Ric Ocasek/詞: 黃意筠/編: Raymond Wang} OP: Copyright Control
06. 客人 [粵] (3:37)
{曲: 孫偉明/詞: 林夕/編: } OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
07. 黃昏戀人 [粵] (5:06) [黃翊 - My Lonely Love (國)/陳慧嫻 - 忘記悲傷 (粵)] {伊藤薫 - 君への道… (1985)/水越恵子 - Too Far Away (1986)/谷村新司 - Far Away 1988}
{曲: 伊藤薫 (Kaoru Ito)/詞: 潘偉源/編: 盧東尼} OP: Sun Ms Pub Inc (Sony/ATV)
08. 戀愛物語 [粵] (3:28) [汪明荃 - 誰之過 (粵) 1977/區瑞強 - 風 (粵) 2001 孩子 Folk 氣-兒童中文民歌] {はしだのりひことシューベルツ (Hashida Norihiko & The Schoebelts) - 風 1969/チューイン・ガム (Chewing Gum) - 風 1973 album 逃げた小鳥・赤い風船/キャンディーズ (Candies) - 風 1974 album なみだの季節/チェルシア・チャン (Chelsia Chan/陳秋霞) - Little Bird (English) 1975 single A side & album Dark Side Of Your Mind/區瑞強 - 風~Kaze~ (日) 1992}
{曲: N. Hashida (端田宣彦) & O. Kitayama (北山修)/詞: 小美/編: 盧東尼} OP: Art Ms Pub Co Ltd
09. 告訴我為何 [粵] (4:42) [Sandra - Everlasting Love (PWL 7” Mix)]
{曲: Mack Gayden & James “Buzz” Cason/詞: 潘源良/編: 翁家齊 & 周功成} OP: Rising Sons Ms Inc
10. 愛情玩笑 [粵] (4:46) [黃翊 - 愛情煩惱 (國)]
{曲: 倫永亮/詞: 盧永強/編: Masahiro Ikumi} OP: Universal Ms Pub Ltd
Additional Notes
新藝寶/CinePoly - 新藝寶 ‘88 精選 (1988) CP-5-0021
黄翊 & 李明珠 - 一呼百應 [粵] () [譚詠麟 - 心手相連 (國)] {Koreana - Hand In Hand}
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