Monday, November 2, 2020

Sony/BMG - 劉美君/Prudence Liew - 被你縱壞 {經典系列/The Legendary Collection} (1993/2005) 82876734102/8 28767 34102 6

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Special Thanks to Griffin for sharing the cover artworks.

01. 嬉戲號客機 (3:27)
{曲/編: 黃尚偉/詞: 周禮茂}
02. 敏感 (4:15) [George LaMond - Where Does That Leave Love?]
{曲: L. Lange & J. Bastianelli/詞: 周禮茂/編: 唐奕聰}
03. 意外 (3:46)
{曲/編: 杜自持/詞: 林振強}
04. 搔我心底癢 (4:44) [Pacini Sound Factory - Party Out]
{曲: Tadashi Namba-Kaleb James/詞: 周禮茂/編: }
05. 最騷的夢 (4:31) [Paris Red - Without You]
{曲: Paris Red/詞: 周禮茂/編: Tommy Tsui & Barry}
06. 被你縱壞 (4:10) [Danni' Elle Gaha - Do It For Love]
{曲: Richard Feldman-Paul Gray/詞: 周禮茂/編: Tommy Tsui & Barry}
07. 唇情 (3:17) [Luther Vandross - So Amazing]
{曲: Luther Vandross/詞: 周禮茂/編: Patrick Lui}
08. 不可能說的夢 (3:47) [伊豆田洋之 - 夢のふるさと/杉真理 - 夢のふるさと]
{曲: Masamichi Sugi-Akira Ito/詞: 林振強/編: Roel}
09. 夜長夢多 (4:00) [陳明真 - 一個害怕回家的人]
{曲: 陳進興/詞: 潘源良/編: 唐奕聰}
10. 你望我望你 (5:07) [135 - トキオの顔 (Tokio の顔)]
{曲: 135/詞: 潘源良/編: 唐奕聰}

Additional Notes
To be added soon.


  1. 「不可能說的夢 {曲: Mari Sugi-Akira Ito/}」→「不可能說的夢 {曲: Masamichi Sugi-Akira Ito/」

    1. @Shin-EI, the composer or lyricist credits aren’t that important. I only listed what record companies did, correct or not. Unless the original is still unfound I would put the most info’s I could find there hoping one day we can track it down.
